
IT Strategy & AI Robot Process Design

IT Strategy and AI Robot Process Design


Business Case Consulting

- e.g. IoT technical enabler for  new Software solution.

@billbis - Topics:  

- Human Robots (e.g. Softbank Pepper, NAO oder Honda Asimo etc.)

-  Smart Meter and Grid

-  Smart Home and City

-  Gebäudeleittechniken (KNX, EIB, LCN)

- Sensorik (IoT)

- Leasing / Banking / Versicheruingen / FICO

-  Nano Solar, Bionic, E-Mobility etc.

- Maschine Learning and Cogniotive Computing or Artificial Intelligence

-  Maschine to Maschine = M2M - Technology

...etc.  etc.

-  cross- industry - cross system - cross funcion !

Tell us your interest!